Marriage & Family Image

Marriage & Family

Hospitaltiy Image


Use hospitality one to another without grudging    1 Peter 4:9

The mission of the TAB Hospitality Ministry is to create an atmosphere where both members and guests of TAB feel accepted in the fellowship and to do whatever is necessary to enhance each person's worship experience. All members of this ministry must:
Show kindness in entertaining strangers, members and guests
Love people and get joy out of making others happy
Be cordial, neighborly, friendly and social

Prayer Warriors Image

Prayer Warriors

Mighty Men of Valour

Pastor's Aide Image

Pastor's Aide

The mission of the Pastor's Aide ministry is to support the Pastor financially, emotionally and spiritually.

We work with the understanding that our ultimate goal is to be a blessing to and edify the  Shepherd for the building of God's work. As a member of the Pastor's Aide ministry, one must be active in participation, a cheerful giver and a creative thinker.

The Pastor’s Aide worker must be faithful in the following areas:

Able and willing to help care for the Pastor
Open to supporting the Pastor’s vision and missions
Trust the Pastor in financial regards
Actively participate in fundraising activities
Attend committee meetings
Takes an initiative to learn and take on responsibilities
Willing to share ideas and thoughts for improvement

We are also to assist the church in preparation of the planning and coordinating all activities associated with the Pastor's Anniversary.

Ushers Image



The vision of RSEEDD (Righteous Seed Empowered, Equipped, and Driven for Destiny) is to see this generation transformed by the powers of the Holy Ghost and engaged in Kingdom advancement throughout their everyday lives.

We believe that the seed of the righteous are promised provision. That means that our children are not destined to be in poverty, but have wealth and health in every area of their lives.

We believe that our seed is promised deliverance. This means that our children are not destined for drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual exploitation, promiscuity, homosexuality, or the oppression of a life laden with sin.

We believe that the Holy Ghost that keeps us is the same Holy Ghost that enables our children to live a life unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believe and understand that when we train our children in the righteous way, they may stray from it but will not depart from it when they are at an age of maturity.